2024 SCEC Stress Drop Workshop

 a tutorial for early career researchers who want to measure, or use measurements of, earthquake stress drop.

Date: September 8, 2024 (08:00am – 12:00 pm)
Location: Hilton Palm Springs, California
Workshop Organizers: Annemarie Baltay (USGS), Rachel Abercrombie (Boston University)
SCEC Award: 24067


The SCEC/USGS Community Stress Drop Validation Study aims to understand the physical controls and methodological reasons for variance in earthquake stress drops, so that they can be used reliably by the earthquake science community. 

Since its conception in 2021, this initiative has engaged a wide international community, directly comparing methods, and seeking to understand the sources of the large variability both random and systematic that continue to limit their use in understanding earthquake physics and ground motions.

This early-career focused workshop will be tutorial based, showcasing different methods for estimating stress drop with two broad aims: to enable those wanting to measure earthquake source parameters to learn state-of-the-art practice, AND to provide the necessary understanding for informed use of these measurements by those wanting to include them in their own research. 

Due to time and space limitations, this workshop will only be open to 20 early-career researchers. Please let us know your interest (to date and proposed), experience and usage of stress drops and why you’d like to be involved in this workshop. 

For our broader community, we will schedule a general meet up at the SCEC Annual Meeting.

Presentation materials may be viewed by clicking the links below. PLEASE NOTE: Files are the author’s property. They may contain unpublished or preliminary information and should only be used for reviewing the talk. Only the presentations for which SCEC has received permission to post publicly are included below.

September 8, 2024

TimeAgenda ItemSpeaker
07:00 - 08:00Workshop Check-In, Breakfast available
08:00 - 09:30Session 1: Overview, Motivation, and Desired Outcomes
08:00 - 08:05Welcome and Overview of Workshop Objectives, Introductions (PDF)Annemarie Baltay and Rachel Abercrombie
08:05 - 08:20Why do we care about stress drop? Earthquake physics and GM implicationsAnnemarie Baltay
08:20 - 08:30Source-path-site separation: fc-attenuation trade off, etc. List of common points to ask about any study as opening to discussion (PDF)Rachel Abercrombie
08:30 - 08:45Discussion of common problems, Q&AAll
08:45 - 12:00

Session 2: Methods of Estimating Stress Drop

30 mins each speaker, with break at 9:45 - 10:00

Coda Calibration Tool (PDF)Colin Pennington
Probabilistic Source Inversion (PDF)Mariano Supino
Spectral Decomposition MethodIan Vandevert
Empirical Green’s Function technique (ZIP - Demo code download)Meichen Liu
11:30 - 12:00Panel Discussion with Q&A, including Ideas for future Method ImprovementAll
12:00Lunch and Workshop Adjourns

SCEC-USGS Ridgecrest Stress Validation Study

Using a common dataset, researchers estimate stress drop from the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence. As a community we will compare and validate the estimates to determine physical controls on stress drop variability. Current focus on 55 specific events. For more information, see the SCEC Technical Activity Group (TAG) for Community Stress Drop Validation Group 


Name and Org
RachelAbercrombieBoston U
HastiBordbarTexas A&M
XiaofengChenOaklahoma State
Norma AContrerasUCR
NairongDuUW Madison
AnnOleshCal Poly Pomona
Camilio PinillaRamosSCEC/USC
Sadia MariumRintyU Memphis
SophiaTannerTexas A&M

SCEC Activities Code of Conduct

The Statewide California Earthquake Center (SCEC) fosters a diverse and inclusive community where everyone feels safe, productive, and welcome. We expect all participants in SCEC-supported events to uphold this commitment by adhering to the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.

SCEC Meetings and Workshops

The SCEC Annual Meeting brings together 400-500 participants worldwide to share breakthroughs, assess progress, and chart a collaborative path for earthquake science. All of the Center activities are presented, analyzed, and woven into a set of priorities for SCEC to pursue in the future.