Unifying diverse data and expertise to build high-resolution models of key features of the lithosphere and asthenosphere for investigating seismic phenomena in California and beyond.

SCEC is now accepting applications for 2025 Internships!

SCEC Community Earth Models (CEMs) and Datasets

CEMs are collaborative platforms featuring community-contributed data, models, and tools for earthquake system analysis. They enable 3D visualization, data exploration, sharing, and integrated modeling.

Community-Built Models for Earthquake Studies

The Statewide California Earthquake Center (SCEC) hosts and develops Community Earth Models (CEMs) that describe the lithosphere and asthenosphere of California and surrounding regions. These models provide an integrated framework for researchers wishing to simulate or study various earthquake-related phenomena throughout the entire Pacific-North American Plate boundary system. Each model is developed by a group of experts using diverse methods and data, with input from various user groups.

Future Directions for SCEC CEM Development

To expand CEM coverage to the entire San Andreas Fault System we will:

  • Assess the quality and availability of existing models and data.
  • Refine and merge existing models to create a more comprehensive representation.
  • Develop multi-scale models to capture the complexity of the entire fault system.
  • Make CEMs accessible for research and education, and continuously validate them against real-world data.

Open-Source Software and FAIR Data

The Statewide California Earthquake Center (SCEC) prioritizes access to its software tools and data by both the scientific community and the public. Through open-source software and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data practices, we strive for SCEC software and data to remain discoverable, usable, and citable for future research.

Using SCEC Community Earth Models

SCEC’s CEMs are powerful tools for researchers, educators, and anyone interested in earthquakes. We encourage you to explore these valuable resources and integrate them into your work.

Easy Access & User-Friendly Tools

  • Comprehensive Documentation: Each CEM has a dedicated website with detailed information, data sources, construction methods, and user guides.
  • Downloadable Archives: Most models offer downloadable files with clear identification through citable DOIs hosted by Citing these models is highly encouraged to acknowledge the development effort.
  • Web-Based Explorers: All CEMs have user-friendly “Explorers” – web tools requiring no special software – allowing you to easily interact with, visualize, query, and download model components. These explorers, developed collaboratively by SCEC researchers and software developers, aim to lower access barriers and promote widespread CEM utilization.

Proper Acknowledgement & Citations

To ensure proper credit for the development and use of SCEC Community Earth Models, we kindly request that you cite the specific model(s) you utilize in your research or for other applications. This helps track usage and acknowledge the contributions of the many model developers and researchers, who have invested significant effort and expertise to advance SCEC Community Earth Models.

The citation is typically located in a gray box labeled “Citation” on the right side of the Zenodo page. For example:

A screenshot of the Zenodo citation box available on pages.