Exciting news! We're transitioning to the Statewide California Earthquake Center. Our new website is under construction, but we'll continue using this website for SCEC business in the meantime. We're also archiving the Southern Center site to preserve its rich history. A new and improved platform is coming soon!

SCEC Highlights and News

Archive of SCEC highlights and news articles that may be of interest to the SCEC community.

Results 51-60 of 891
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SCEC Internship Programs Open for Summer 2024 Applications
The Statewide California Earthquake Center (SCEC) is opening applications for Summer 2024 undergraduate Internships. Aft...
From the Directors: A New Dawn
Dear SCEC Community, SCEC NEWSLETTER In This Issue (December 20...
Iceland volcano eruption, earthquakes weaken, but scientists warn of lurking danger
The volcanic activity in Sundhnúksgígar on the Reykjanes peninsula appeared to be diminishing, according to Iceland's ...
ABC News
An earthquake in northwestern China kills at least 131 people and is the deadliest in 9 years
The magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck just before midnight on Monday, injuring more than 700 people, damaging roads and kn...
Associated Press
SCEC Pre-AGU Bay Area Field Trip
On December 10, 2023, eighteen SCEC community members convened for a special SCEC-sponsored field trip co-led by Kim Bli...
Morocco earthquake had unusual deep slip, according to new modeling
In their rapid characterization of the magnitude 6.8 Al Haouz earthquake in Morocco, researchers suggest that the earthq...
In Memoriam: Thomas L. Henyey, past SCEC Director
Thomas L. Henyey (Tom), former chair of the USC Earth Sciences Department and former SCEC director (1996-2002), pas...
John Mcraney (with contributions from Yehuda Ben-Zion, David Okaya, Tom Jordan, and Mark Benthien)
About 6,000 buildings in L.A. are at risk in an earthquake. Do you live or work in one of them?
Search this map of condo, apartment and office buildings that may still need a seismic retrofit, and learn more about ea...
LA Times
Large Earthquakes Can Be Heralded by Early Warning Signs, Say Seismologists
Scientists discovered that unique seismic signals were detectable around eight months before the devastating 7.8 magnitu...
Laser scans reveal ‘hidden’ active faults in Yellowstone
A series of “hidden” geological hazards has been uncovered in the northern reaches of Yellowstone National Park, inc...
NBC News